Travail aérien de recensement environnemental de 2015

  • End of December: recce and total count of the Shompole Nguruman complex, with Elephant voice, African Conservation Center.
  • End November : WCS C.206 ferry fly from Malta to Kenya

    malta to kenya

  • May and June : organised logistic to ferry two C.206 to Burkina Fasso from Kenya to complete the WAP / Penjari park in Burkina Fasso / Niger / Benin aerial survey . With WCS and Elephants Without Boarders (EWB). And organised the ferry back to Kenyaof the 2 the C.206 while flying one of the aircraft.
  • May : aerial survey and recce covering the Ethiopian territory with EWB
  • April, March : EWB Aerial survey on the northern part of Lakipia and the Ethiopia / Somalia border with Kenya.
  • February : organization, logistic and ferry an airplane between South Africa and Kenya with Air adventures (Africa Ltd). Conference in Paris about our air expedition from West America to Kenya in light airplane with Flying 4 conservation.


Elephants Without Borders (EWB, Inc.)



track log Kenya Elephants Without Borders is a non-profit, tax-exempt, registered organization in the Republic of Botswana. Registered in the Deeds Office of Botswana, as the Somarela Trust under number MA 18/1954. Under number 91451 of the Business Names Act, the Trust operates as Elephants Without Borders.
Elephants Without Borders (EWB, Inc.) is a tax-exempt 501(c)3 public charity, registered in the State of New York, USA, incorporated under section 402, Type B, under section 201. Public Registered Charity.

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environnement Alexis Peltier est le Président fondateur de Wings For Earth Maisha Trust, organisme de protection de l’environnement.

Wings For Earth Maisha Trust œuvre pour l’harmonie entre les peuples et leur environnement, parmi ses missions : l’étude des voies de migrations animalières, des installations humaines et du couvert végétal. Elle a pour vocation de soutenir des projets visant à améliorer les équilibres entre ces différents domaines. Ces missions sont réalisées par la voie des airs par Alexis Peltier.