Travail aérien de recensement environnemental

Les archives des actualités de nos différents travaux de recensement environnemental sont accessibles ici :

Travail aérien de recensement environnemental en 2018...

Aerial total count of elephants, buffalo, giraffe and grevy’s zebra in laikipia-samburu-meru-marsabit ecosystem (november 2017)

Travail aérien de recensement environnemental en 2017...

  • Transcontinental flyplans since 2014

    since 2014 since 2014

  • October : 2 commitments in Tanzania, for WCS Tanzania , for the implementation of aerial support. And organise an aerial safari in Kenya with Air adventures
  • September : for WCS Tanzania, for the implementation of aerial support based in Ruaha National Park
  • August : for WCS Tanzanian, for the implementation of aerial support based in Ruaha National Park
  • Tsavo track log 2017 : Aims : A simultaneous Sample and Total Count to build on the almost-simultaneous counts conducted in 2014. Alongside the Sample Count, a trial photographic technique was run to compare all three techniques and help lay the foundations for the wildlife counts of the future.

    track log

  • End August / September, in actual complexion up to november, survey, aerial support, anti poaching for WCS program in Tanzania.
  • August survey, aerial support, anti poaching for WCS program in Tanzania
  • End of March, beginning of April : flight from Kenya to Central African Republic, and aerial survey in Bamingui with WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society)

  • Mars, Kenya aerial survey at Tsavo with Save the elephants and KWS (Kenya Wildlife services). With task to compare news aerial count technics versus the traditional methods.